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Collective Consciousness
49" x 29 Mixed Media

Detail of Triptych each panel 36" 48" 2014

Detail gray & white fragment
piece is 60" x 48"

Time and Memory - detail
50" x 30"

Pamela Grau "Flutter"
Detail: Mixed Media 38" x 26"

Pam painting socks

"Claudia's Tangle"
48" x 28" mixed media (detail)

Pamela Grau "The Nature of Things"
Detail: Public Art Installation at Ojai Valley Inn. Triptych 14' x 8' mixed media 2015

Pamela Grau "Unresolved Memories"
Detail Mixed Media 36" x 48" 2011

Fire and Ash_2018

Pamela Grau "Blue Horus"
Detail Mixed Media 18" x 21"

Pamela Grau "Hanging Peace" detail
Installation created 2016 for Porch Gallery, Ojai 220 pieces
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